Persons With Disabilities Working Group

The CUPE BC Persons with Disabilities Working Group (PWDWG) is one of four working groups that form the Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD). The Working Group provides information, awareness and education on disability issues to members with disabilities, the general membership and the CUPE BC Executive Board.

The Working Group promotes: awareness of disability related issues within CUPE and in the community; supports disability related events; works with other CUPE BC Committees to advance disability issues; works with allies in the communities where CUPE members work and live; and forwards resolutions to the annual CUPE BC Convention to advance disability rights. For a number of years we have supported the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3rd).

We continue to work with the CUPE BC and CUPE National Executive Boards to promote: disability awareness training; encourage members with disabilities to participate in their Local and CUPE BC; and encourage Locals to bargain equity language.

Committee members

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